Ed Thomas, head football coach at
The coach was admired nationally for the juggernaut football program he built, the successful men he shaped and the resilient town he helped rebuild after a devastating tornado last summer. News of his death has flashed around the country.
He won 292 games and two state titles in 37 seasons, and ranked 32nd among active high school football coaches nationwide in victories.
Thomas coached four players who are active in the National Football League this season. Since the school has fewer than 300 students, per capita, no other high school in the nation has ever had as many NFL players among its alumni.
At an afternoon news conference, Thomas’ son, Aaron, thanked community members for their support and prayers.

Mid-way through his 3 minute statement…Aaron said: “God always has a reason. At this
time, it’s very tough for us to understand that.”
As I heard those words my heart went out to him. I thought, “We should do something for him and the family.”
Upon reflection, I recognized that his slain father had already done that.
Aaron was speaking from a foundation of faith that his father had helped him establish. It was as if Aaron was quoting Job’s unflinching trust in God during the devastation in Job’s life.
Job grasped tightly to his belief in the character of God saying, “Even if He kills me, my trust is in Him.”
Even though he can’t understand the reason for this tragedy, Aaron is leaning on God.
So back to the “we should do something” thought. Am I close enough to God to withstand such a tragedy? Are you? And what are you doing this week to deepen that reliance on God?
And second, for parents—is it a part of your plan to raise your children to develop such a foundation? If so, you know that it is a process that has to happen daily.
Are you helping your children to understand God’s power in creation? His goodness even in the midst of trials? How God is still there when your friends aren’t? Why “no” is often the most giving response to a request for some thing? How you’ve trusted God when the chips are down?
Now is the time to do this…before you need to…before the darkness comes…show them the Light.
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