Monday, July 11, 2011

Values Clarification

Brian Tracy, a prolific e-communicator, wrote in his July 11 email regarding The Need to Lead, “The greatest need we have today, in every area, is for men and women to practice the values of integrity, discipline, responsibility, courage, and long time perspective, both as individuals and in their families. These are the key qualities of leadership. “

There is a question that comes to my mind—what is the foundational source of these values. Some solid biblical responses can be found in 1 Corinthians 10.31, Colossians 3.23, and Matthew 22.37-39.

Tracy goes on to say that the greatest need we have today is for men and women to practice these values; these are the key qualities of leadership.

Tracy then quotes Immanuel Kant’s “Universal Maxim.” Kant suggested that “you should live your life as though your every act were to become universal law for all people.” Continuing he writes, “The very best judge of truth for you is to ask, ‘Is it true for me?’” Here is where you have to stick with me. I know this sounds relativistic. It sounds that way because it is. However there are some great points of application coming up! Hang in there.

Tracy contends that if everyone were encouraged to live in this way our society would be much improved. I think Tracy fails to account for total depravity, but now comes the good part. Tracy offers four questions to stay on track; questions to help us focus on living out our values. For the Christian community, a modified version of these questions can be helpful for us in continuing the journey on which God has placed us.

The four questions are:

1. From a spiritual perspective, what kind of community, workplace, school, would my community, workplace, school be if everyone in it was just like me?

2. Spiritually speaking, what kind of family would my family be if everyone in it was just like me?

3. What kind of church would this be if everyone in it was just like me?

4. What kind of Sunday school / small group would this be if everyone in it were just like me?

Are the values you profess being lived out in the arenas of life in which you live?